We all have unique beliefs and ways to gather news and information. Lifehacker has a series called, "How I Work"; Oprah is known for her "What I Know For Sure"; and Bianca Gonzales writes for Philstar for "10 Things."
So if you met the person you admire, the best thing to tell them is: "I'm a fan of your work. How do you learn?" From today onward, I'm starting a series asking people this question, starting with me.
How I Learn by Crystal Superal
What Inspires You?
This quote from Mother Theresa: "You cannot always do great things, but you can always do small things with great love." I always remember that when I'm overwhelmed.
Describe a typical day.
I wake up at 5:30AM to get ready for work. First on my plate is producing a sports commentary, "Hacksaws Headlines." Then throughout the day, I gather news topics related to our show. I scan the internet for the most important topics of today.
One of the most important habits for me is my afternoon nap. Then at about 5PM, I read, workout, or usually take my brother Wolen out to explore San Diego. Weekends are reserved for cleaning, pampering, and errands.
Lifehacker - I cannot emphasize how big of a fan I am of Lifehacker. I love their productivity hacks, and recently, their posts about finance and marriage.
The Atlantic - Best new analytics site in the world. Here, headlines are broken down to simpler terms and put in context to a global scale. When I read the Ta-Nehesi Coates', 'Case For Reparations,' I wept.
Maria Popova of Brainpickings (Art, Science, Culture) - most remarkable universal content for visuals and literary types.
Trent of Simple Dollar (Personal Finance) - I'm constantly astounded by the depth and gravity of his daily blog.
Gretchen Rubin of Happiness Project (Productivity, Happiness) - Her book is funny, backed with research, succinct and relevant.
99U (Creativity) - constantly injects me with fresh ideas.
Those are the main ones but I also regularly check Lynne Rosetta Casper of Splendid Table. Her foodie podcast is incredibly enriching. A few years ago, I discovered Rick Steves of Traveling With Rick Steves. He inspires me to backpack in Europe.
Lastly, my two favorite Filipinos are true to their authentic voice, courageous and improves the Philippines everyday: Carlos Celdran and Sarah Meier.
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Carlos, a renowned Manila tour guide (left) and Sarah, a businesswoman/host/model. |
Lastly, my two favorite Filipinos are true to their authentic voice, courageous and improves the Philippines everyday: Carlos Celdran and Sarah Meier.
What Influences You The Most?
My fiancé, Jovi Neri. He is the most stable, happiest, and least neurotic person I know. My theory is because he pursues personal fulfillment, which as experts say, is the core of happiness. Our recent conversation involved wiring funds internationally. I just wouldn't have mapped it out as clearly without him.
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Forthright, irreverent, logical and bold. My future husband is one I've always admired. |
Other than Jovi, I'm addicted to reading. You could see that from all the sites I follow! Plus I read several books a month. Current on my shelf is Joan Didion's, "A Year Of Magical Thinking" about death and grief, and Oprah's surprisingly pleasant book on happiness.
What Is A Book Or Movie That Changed You?
For books I recommend, "Your Money Or Your Life" which changed my whole outlook about saving. Also, "So Good They Can't Ignore You" by Cal Newport.
Who Would You Like To Learn From?
For writing, Ray Bradbury. I still haven't known anybody who respected and found joy in writing as much as he did. For traveling, Rick Steves - man's an empire. And I'm still looking for someone to emulate in terms of a whole, fulfilling life.
Do You Have A Sacred Daily Ritual?
When I sit down to eat, I look at my plate and figure out how nutritionally balanced I can make it. I protect my sleep, and I stretch or exercise everyday. I believe it all starts with taking care of yourself, otherwise you can't for other things.
What Essential Things Do You Need To Do Good Work?
1. Yellowpad for free writing.
2. A Macbook is fast, light and beautiful for creative work. Then I upload or organize my files Google+ and Drive.
3. Car. I live for novelty and my car has enabled me.
My life has exponentially gotten better now that I'm free to go wherever and whenever I want. |
What Do You Know For Sure?
If you do not have time for these then you'll definitely have time for illness later on. The three pillars of health: stress, food and exercise.
I'd love ___ To Answer These Questions.
Jovi Neri, of course.
I'd love ___ To Answer These Questions.
Jovi Neri, of course.
Great article as always, although I think the 'no' is a typo in "If you do not have no time for these then you'll definitely have time for illness later on. The three pillars of health: stress, food and exercise." :-)
Thanks! All fixed now.
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